Fence Posts Ministries

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Daddy's Home

Fathers, ours is the honor, the responsibility and the joy of being the single most influential person  that our children will ever know.  That thought crushes me sometimes when I know that I have failed them.  However, the Lord has not called us to live as failed fathers.  When we find ourselves having made a mistake as a father we need to run to the only one who can make it right, our Wonderful Counselor.  If it's something that we need to apologize to our kids for, then that's what we need to do.  Our kids have to know that their daddy loves them more than his pride, his time, his money, and his desires.  Every single one of us wanted to be a hero of some kind when we were kids.  Here's our chance.  

Gentlemen, Show them how a good man gets up and gets after it at work to take care of his family.  Let them see how a great man hustles to the only place he wants to be when his work is done.  Let them see how a real man loves his wife and lets her know it.  "Wrassle" with your kids when you get home from work.  If they're too old for that, then you show 'em that they're not too old for that.  (Actually I'll leave that up to your discretion.  It's kind of a case by case thing.)  Put down what you're doing when they need you.  Pray for them and pray with them.  Make sure that they know that you love them and that there's nothing they can do to change that.  

As time goes by I am learning more and more that every little interaction, every word and every moment carries immeasurable weight with my kids and leaves an impression that shapes them in some way.  They will either be strengthened and directed by me and what I have done, or it will be something that they have to overcome.  Just like Daniel made up his mind and set his heart, make up your mind and set your heart on being the father that the Lord has called you to be.  Isaiah 40:11 says:  "He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young."  That verse is the perfect love that drives out the fear that comes from being a father.  Let God guide you through fatherhood.  Let Him feed you and your family.  Let Him gather your kids with His arm and carry them close to His heart.  By the way, those are things that He wants to do through us, the fathers.  And, let Him gently lead us as fathers, so that we can also have the unequaled joy that comes from being a daddy.