Fence Posts Ministries

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The First Fence Post

Do you know that every Word spoken by God is true?  You need to.  God says that He created the world and everything in it in six days.  Do you have a problem with that?  Do you reject this part of the Bible as a fable or as figurative, but claim to put your hope and stake your life and the lives of your children on the rest of it? We have to make up our minds whether or not we trust God.  To doubt His account of creation is to undermine everything else that He has said. 

I understand that Darwinian evolution is the prevailing current in mainstream science.  I also understand, and hope that you do too, that Darwinian evolution is not supported by the evidence that we find in any field of science or history.  At the very essence of science we find critical thinking, questioning everything, looking as objectively as possible at the evidence.  The Word of the Lord has always and will continue to stand up to scrutiny.  Does Darwinian evolution?  Why do the professed champions of free thought, logic and the scientific method break their own rules to allow for evolution?  Why do they no longer encourage free thought when it calls the idol of humanity into question?

Don't misunderstand me.  My intention is not to ridicule anyone.  My purpose is to combat the suppression of the truth and to set free anyone who is willing to listen.  Gentlemen, for those of us who have children very few things are as important as knowing why we believe what we believe.  God has driven this first fence post into the ground, as well as many others.  Are we building on His foundation?  If not, then what are we building on?  If we build on anything else we cannot be surprised when the structure falls.