Fence Posts Ministries

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A Fence Post Overlooking the City

In Genesis 18 God visited Abraham to let him know that he would have a son.  Before leaving, God looked down from the hill where Abraham was camped and saw Sodom.  In verse 17 God said "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?", referring to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Now, that question is recorded in the Bible for us.  We need to realize that God has not hidden from us, His men, what He is about to do.  We know that His judgement and wrath are ready to be rained down on this world and those who have rejected the sacrifice of His Son.  

The Lord does tell Abraham what He intends to do in verses 20-21.  And, in verse 23 Abraham teaches us a valuable lesson.  He stepped in between God's wrath and the cities.  These cities were full of people who had been given time to repent, but had instead plunged themselves into complete rebellion against God.  In these cities not even ten righteous people could be found.  Abraham interceded for people who hated God and had no idea what was about to happen to them.  So, why did God tell Abraham what He was going to do?  He told him because He knew what Abraham would do, and He expects the same from us.  Abraham could have gone on his way and said "well, they had it coming".  But, God knew that Abraham would intercede for the cities.  Through Abraham, God extended salvation to the cities one last time.  

We need to be like Abraham, first of all in that he camped outside the cities.  Abraham learned what God was going to do, because he was listening instead of being in the cities participating in their sin.  We must keep ourselves from participating in the sin of the world as we go to work, go to school and live our lives.  We also need to be like Abraham in that he stood praying for mercy for those who were on the verge of destruction.  Is God's Word concerning His wrath against the world lost on us?  As God's men, if we won't pray for and work toward the salvation of other people then who will?