Fence Posts Ministries

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The Only One

It breaks my heart when I see someone who is afraid to be "the only one".  When I hear my students voice the view that  right and wrong are defined by our cultural context, I am afraid for them.  My students frequently tell me that I am the only teacher who expects them to follow the rules (which I don't believe for a second).  Too many men allow themselves to be defined by the prevailing currents.  We allow ourselves to be tossed by the fickle winds of our cultural "norms", and then we act surprised when we end up shipwrecked. Gentlemen, turn to the only truth that has ever existed.  The Lord has never changed, and He never will.  If we want to be fence posts that can weather the worst storms that the world can throw at us, then we have to be willing to be the only one.  When our friends, co-workers or even family members oppose us because they do not understand what we are doing; we have to be willing to stand anyway.  I hope this never happens to any of us, but even if our kids don't understand why we have to be holy and can't just bend every now and then; even if they resent us for it, sometimes we have to trust the Lord and know that only He can change their hearts.  It is our job to love them fiercely enough to sacrifice ourselves for their sakes.

Noah was a man who was not afraid to be the only one.  In a time when literally no other family on earth acknowledged God, Noah made a decision to believe and entrust himself and his family to God.  The entire world had turned away and created a culture of selfishness and evil.  Genesis 6:8 tells us that only "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."  I am sure there were times when it may have been painfully apparent to Noah and his family that they were the only ones who trusted God.  But, when the time came and the Lord shut the door of the ark, who was saved?  Noah and his family were the only ones.