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Getting it Done

There came a time in my life when I was old enough to start helping my Daddy when there was work around the house that involved heavy lifting.  On one particular occasion Daddy came home with a large kitchen appliance (I can't remember exactly what it was), and he told me to come help him unload it and get it into the house.  I followed him outside and we both got into position and worked our hands under the appliance.  Daddy asked if I was ready and doing my best to make my voice sound just like his, I lied and said, "yeah".  He lifted his end and I lifted against mine, but produced no movement.  He asked what was wrong, and I said that it was too heavy and that I couldn't lift it.  He paused for a second and said "We have to, there's nobody else here."  We got under it again and he asked if I was ready.  I said, "yeah".  We proceeded to lift the appliance and move it into its place in the house, and I was left to ponder what had just happened and whether or not I could utilize it to meet girls.  (Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.) Gentlemen, we have to raise our boys to get it done.  One of the great things about America is that we have historically been a people who get it done.  George Washington once said "Make sure you are doing what God wants you to do, then do it with all your strength."  Noah understood that the task of building the ark, and living in it with who knows how many animals was daunting to say the least, but he also understood that God had told him to do it.  So, Noah did it.  What Noah, Washington, my Daddy (would be a fun group for a road trip) and many others understood was that we can get it done, no matter what "it" is, when we are doing what the Lord wants us to do.  Even in little tasks like lifting something that is a little heavier than we are comfortable with, we have to raise our boys to get it done.  I look at pictures of the soldiers who invaded Normandy Beach on D-Day and I see the faces of men who knew that if they didn't get it done that there was a good chance that nobody else would, and that the consequences of that would be unacceptable.

Now, I'm not trying to equate moving a dishwasher with what those heroes did on that day.  What I am saying is that the ability to do what they did is certainly not found in our natural selfish human nature.  It's found in the Lord and our boys need to see us finding that ability in Him.  Our boys need to know that their fathers get it done, and they get it done because they know the Lord.  When the Lord speaks it happens (just look how He created everything other than man).  What has He said to you?  In His strength and in His name and by His Spirit, get it done.