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Moments that Shape Our Lives

I played baseball for a few years when I was in elementary school...You could call it "playing baseball" in a fast and loose application of the phrase.  Once, after a game, our coach told us that a rained out game had been rescheduled for the upcoming Wednesday night.  Leaving the park that day, when it was just the two of us, Daddy said that it was more important that we be at church, so we would have to miss that game.  I remember my young mind’s perception of the gravity of the situation. You see, Daddy always instilled in us that we needed to keep commitments to our teams, so it left a deep impression on my mind that he, without hesitation, pointed out to me that we had a deeper and longer standing commitment to keep. My team went ahead and played that Wednesday and my absence was probably not felt and is certainly not remembered by anybody but me anymore.  But, more than 25 years later I remember that lesson.  I now make the same decision in my life when the situation arises, and I have seen the Lord bless that decision.