
I remember once sitting at the table at my great-grandparents' house listening to Mama Leta counsel my older sister, who was about to be married.  Now, keep in mind that Mama Leta and Daddy Bob had been married for 65 years when she passed away.  So, her words on that day carried, and still carry, a lot of weight with me.  She told my sister "You hear people say that you have to compromise, 50/50.  Well, they're wrong.  In marriage it's 100/100." She understood that mindset that allows us to really love someone.  If I believe that anything less than my all is required, then I believe that something is owed to me.  If I go into my marriage concerned about what's in it for me, then I have no business being married.  Are we only willing to go 50, 60 or even 99% of the way to make our marriages what they should be?

How many of the world's problems stem from a sense of entitlement?  Gentlemen, don't bring that cancer into your home.  Let your kids see how you love your wife.  Let them see their daddy making deposits instead of withdrawals.


Moments that Shape Our Lives