
Throughout the Bible Babylon is a symbol of flagrant decadence and aggressive rebellion against God in favor of worshiping our own lusts.  In the Old Testament, Babylon was a powerful kingdom that offered surrender or death to whomever she set her ravenous heart upon.  The Babylon of Revelation is the prevalent power that tempts and entraps the whole world except for those who belong to the Lord.  In both cases she has no power over those who have found shelter under the wings of Almighty God.  

As we find ourselves in a world and even a nation that resemble Babylon more and more every day, we need to remember that the temptations, the deceptions, and the fury of the world that revolts at the very thought of the Lord will never hold sway over us.  The Bible teaches that they will even kill some of us, but they still won't be able to stop us.  

Because we know whom we have believed and are convinced that he is able to guard what we have entrusted to Him until that day, we will raise our children to be warriors well-trained in the armor of God.  They will know the fear of the Lord because they will have seen the strongest man in their lives on his knees before Him.  And, when He calls them, they will recognize His voice because their fathers have lived by it.  

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