Fence Posts Ministries

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Genesis 13:12

As a teacher, every day I hear "you're the only teacher who makes us do this", or "none of my other teachers have this rule" or "why do we have to address you as 'Brick Steele'?"  All but one of these are what they say to try to get me to let them get by with something that is not good for them.  They may not believe this, but those words are a sweet sound to me.  They are, to me, a hand on my shoulder from the Lord letting me know that I'm doing the right thing. As a teacher I also see and hear the results every day of parents who do the same for their kids.  I also see the results of those parents who are not willing to do what is right for their kids.  Gentlemen, our kids are only ever going to get one Daddy, and it's you, and it's me.  We have to make it count.  I've said before that throughout the Bible God holds Adam responsible for what happened in the Garden of Eden.  Do what's right for your family according to the Word of God.  A fence post is a tough thing to run into and can be aggravating when its boundary blocks your way.  But, a fence post is strong enough to lean on and it sure is nice knowing it's there keeping you from harm.

Sometimes other parents don't do their jobs.  Sometimes we really are the only ones raising our kids right, not allowing them to do things that we know are destructive to them.  When everybody else is moving together in defiance of God's direction, we have to let our roots run deep into the truth that has been true since before the foundation of the universe and will still be true when this is all gone.  Stake out the Lord's boundaries in your home.  "Teach them diligently to your children" (Deuteronomy 6:7).

"Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom."  Genesis 13:12