Fence Posts Ministries

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Daddy's Home

A couple of years ago My parents and my brother came to visit for my birthday. My brother and our Daddy wanted to go to a local store to look for a few things, so the three of us went. Little did I know that my wife was in cahoots with them to get me out of the house while the surprise party was coming together. She's as crafty as she is beautiful; I was totally bamboozled. Anyway, even though the shopping trip was a ruse I still had a blast just riding around with my brother and father. We didn't even do anything other than just walk around a few places together, but that's just it...we were together.

Now that I've been married, moved away and growing into my own family for a few years, that time with them has become even more precious. (Actually my mother thinks I'm in my room right now, so I would reeeeeeally appreciate it if you guys could be cool and kind of keep all of this family/blog/moved away business to yourselves.) But, that time spent together reminded me that our families need us more than anything material. Don't get me wrong, I know what it is to get extra work and to cut back on expenses just to make ends meet. That's what a good man should do. No matter what though, there is nothing in this world that compares to coming home to my noble faithful wife and the little hearts to whom, as flawed as I may be, I mean the world. And, whether you know it or not, you mean the world to your children. With sincere humility, accept that honor and use it to fulfill what so many children and adults all over the world are starving for. Fill your kids' hearts with the love and nurturing that you and I learned from God Himself.