Fence Posts Ministries

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The Truth

Truth has been undermined, perverted, pushed away and counterfeited until it seems like a distant memory. Have you ever heard a science teacher acknowledge that Darwinian evolution and the belief that the earth is over 4 billion years old have never aligned with all of the available evidence and have even been soundly discredited repeatedly? Every work day I hear countless students lie to me and to each other without even a thought. I have even had some become angry with me for not believing them when I caught them in a lie. Most television shows that I am aware of whose target audience is teenagers and pre-teens feature protagonists who habitually lie to their parents with little or no consequence. Can you remember the last time our president or one of his representatives talked straight with us? I can't either. In fact, there is new evidence every day that they actively persecute those who tell the truth and praise, reward and promote those who lie. Truth will not become a distant memory in my house. We have to call evil what it is. We have to call sin what it is, and that has to start in my own heart by looking into the Word of the Lord as a mirror. If God's Word says that something needs to be corrected in my life, then it needs to be corrected. 1 Corinthians 13:6 tells us that love "does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth". We cannot help anyone or be helped by anyone if we reject the truth. Can you accept the truth when you hear it? Are you the kind of man from whose mouth the truth is acceptable? The Word of the Lord creates and accomplishes (Genesis 1, Hebrews 11:3, Isaiah 55:11); every Word from His mouth is truth. His Word will stand. The man who stands on the Word of God will stand.