Fence Posts Ministries

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Blow Their Minds

You may have noticed what I have noticed, namely that the gentleman has become a rarity in our culture (he's nearly extinct in most other cultures). Gentlemen, as long as we live chivalry must not be allowed to die. I have recently read a surprising number of writers and pollsters reporting that the feminist movement has very few disciples any more. I speculate that one reason for the trend is the vacuum of real men. Over the last 50 years or so a large segment of our population has sought to deconstruct gender roles with the intent to destroy them entirely, and to be fair they seem to have met with a high degree of success. But, now they have tasted the fruits of their labors and have found that, frankly, they could use some creole seasoning.

Now, many of you reading this never bought into the lie, and for that I salute you. We have to continue to teach our young men to be gentlemen. We have to treat ladies like ladies. Men's and women's roles as defined by God call for both sexes to be treated with respect. He repeatedly emphasizes the importance of both and that in a family one is inadequate without the other. We need to make sure that we acknowledge the Lord's Word on this issue. Young men, blow some minds. Be good men.