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Lessons From a Couple of Robinsons

I recently watched some video of the 1971 Baltimore Orioles. I have always loved baseball, but having been born too late I had only read about those Orioles teams from those days and never seen them. Two of the greatest players of all time were on that particular team, in the persons of Brooks and Frank Robinson (no relation...that I am aware of). Brooks Robinson is by most accounts the best third baseman who ever lived. Sure, you'll get a few naysayers who will argue that Mike Schmidt was better, but most of them can be found in close geographic proximity to Philadelphia, so the proverbial grain of salt is in order. One thing that I noticed about Brooks Robinson was that he was...kind of goofy looking. I don't mean any disrespect. He just didn't look like a tremendous athlete. I found that very refreshing and encouraging. There have been millions of other third basemen who have come and gone who have probably been more athletic than he was, but we remember his name because he just got it done. He made putouts on balls that most others would not have even attempted to field with any seriousness. He knew the third base position like few others, maybe no others, ever have. We should do whatever we do in the same way.

And, that brings us to Frank Robinson. I grew up knowing Frank Robinson as an Oriole manager who always seemed to be smiling. However, he is in my eyes one of the best and most complete players to ever step on the field. Frank Robinson was not only a great defensive player, but was also one of only a few men to ever win baseball's triple crown. He is still the only player to win Most Valuable Player awards in both the American and National Leagues. One thing that I have noticed about Frank Robinson is that almost every time I have seen him in pictures or videos, playing, managing or doing anything else he almost always had a subtle smile. Now, I don't know Frank Robinson or what he thinks about, but he just always seems to be peaceful and never very worried about any situation, no matter how high the pressure. Like him, we need to have peace in any circumstance. Because of the love of God, we have a reason to be legitimately peaceful.

Both of these men are in baseball's hall of fame now. Both won Gold Glove Awards, in fact Brooks Robinson won 15 straight. Both men worked very hard for a long time to become as great as they were. And, like them, we can be great at the things that we do and find satisfaction and peace. I want to be the Brooks/Frank Robinson of Daddies and husbands.