Fence Posts Ministries

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Full Circle 2

You may remember that I wrote here once that when we have to run errands or go into town for something, we should see if our kids want to ride. It is a gesture of love and a desire to just be together, and the time spent together is invaluable. A few days ago I went into town and took my boys with me. It was me and my boys, getting stuff done. We had the windows down. Our combined "coolness" was almost too much for passers by (I could tell by the way they pretended not to notice us [people can be so silly]). As we rode along "Mountain Music" by Alabama came one, so I turned it up to the appropriate volume and we rode along, singing. Now, Alabama was a family favorite when I was growing up and we were riding around with Daddy. You had to have a beard to play in that band, my friends (except for the drummer, for obvious reasons). And to me, "Mountain Music" is just one of those songs that sounds like summer time. You know what I mean?

When the song ended my oldest asked "Daddy, can we do it again?" I said "Yessir", and obliged.