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Strong Enough to Love

Jesus lived His thirty-three years here among us, never acting out of any motivation but love. Love for His Father drove His every word and move. Love for us was demonstrated unashamedly and relentlessly in the way that He spent His time and not only that He endured the cross, but in the way that He did it.

Our world has lost any semblance of sanity. Under the guise of love they refuse to discipline or even teach their children. In the name of man's best but utterly corrupted attempt at love, they congratulate each other's destructiveness and forbid each other to call evil what it is. For the sake of their guilty cut-out and braced-up idol intended to look like love, they have made every effort to expel the One God from every corner from which He might offend their highly-evolved sensibilities. And, to even the most dishonest intellect among us it is inescapably apparent that we are reaping the fruits of our labors.

Let me tell you something about love. For love, Jesus forgave those who called for and carried out His torture and execution. For love, Jesus cleaned house in the temple when He found it being made into a place of business for thieves. For love, Jesus welcomed, and still welcomes, the children and those who will become like them. For love, Jesus hears the repentant prayer of the oldest, meanest, most stubborn heart that finally breaks under the weight of its own sin. For love, Jesus lived our worst nightmare and disarmed it forever. For love, we raise our kids in the love and discipline that will save their lives. For love, we put ourselves in harm's way to save those who would rather be tolerated than loved and alive. For love, we proclaim the message of Jesus. Are we strong enough to love?