Fence Posts Ministries

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The King's Men

When you get the chance, read Romans chapter one. Read it understanding that we have seen the complete progression of depravity outlined there come to pass in our world and in our country. We as a culture have reached the end of Romans chapter one. Keep reading on into chapter two and understand that we are not meant to participate in or tolerate the wickedness of those around us. Some fathers raise their children to be athletes, intellectuals, businessmen, outdoorsmen, and a variety of other fine things. I am thankful that Daddy raised us to be warriors, trained in the use of the armor of God. I don't mean that to sound self-serving. As the Lord's people, this is our heritage that we are told throughout the Bible to pass on to our children. A few days ago I began to see the fruit of that heritage in my own children when my wife told me about a scary moment that had happened that day. Our baby had begun to choke and my wife was quickly doing everything that she could to remove the obstruction. She told me that while she was working she noticed that our oldest was there and began to pray. It was scary, but everything turned out well. I can't tell you how proud and relieved it makes me to know that her first thought was to ask God for help. Daddies, just like I had to, thank God when you see Him working in your children.

In these perilous days that we have lived to see, days that promise persecution and the suppression of the truth, let us not say that it is a losing battle that we have been called to fight. Yes, the darkness will continue to advance, but the Lord will continue to use us to stand between death and the souls that it would claim, saving lives until He calls us away. I want my kids to be able to say that when the enemy advanced to devour as many lives as he could, that their Daddy took up the Sword and frustrated evil at every turn. Maybe you were not raised to fight this battle. Let the Lord train you. Let men who love the Lord and His Word teach you to stand. And, under the orders of and in the strength of God Himself, stand.