Fence Posts Ministries

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Brothers and Sisters

Today we were able to spend some time with some good friends. One of my favorite things about these particular people is that we know that we can completely relax with them. We can talk about things that might not make us look so good and we know that they will not think any differently about us. Friends like that have a way of lifting burdens and reminding us of the things that we're sure of, God's promises. We looked at 2 Peter chapter three, and we talked a little about how Peter mentions Paul and encourages us to remember the things that Paul taught. Think for a minute about Peter and Paul. Once Jesus ascended and the apostles received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Peter served as a leader among the saints. Based on what we read in Acts, we can also see that he was seen by the public as the face of the church. He preached the sermon at the Feast of Pentecost. Sick people were carried and laid in places where they thought that Peter might walk in the hope that his shadow might fall on them. Then, Paul came along and quickly gained notoriety that rivaled that of Peter. But, that's not the way Peter saw it. In 2 Peter 3:15 Peter admonishes us to remember what "our beloved brother Paul" had written "according to the wisdom given him". Peter was a humble man, like John the Baptist who in no uncertain terms acknowledged and proclaimed Jesus as Lord, and directed those who called themselves his disciples to follow Jesus instead. Peter, Paul and others did not view each other as rivals competing for notoriety or accolades. Instead, they viewed each other as brothers, men who fought together to save lives and to make their savior known to the world.

We have been given each other. We are friends who refresh each other's souls. We are brothers and sisters who make up the body of Jesus, Himself. Realize what we have in each other. Realize what God wants you to be for your brothers and sisters.