Fence Posts Ministries

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A week ago today, my wife told me that one of my boys prayed and thanked God for the days that I get to be home all day and play with them. Now, I imagine that most of you are like me in that we are probably keenly aware of our character flaws and that we don't think that we are anything special. But, to our kids, we mean the world. Look around at those who for whatever reason don't have their Daddies around. Life is hard without a Daddy. Gentlemen, we have the ability to turn any situation around just by our presence. I remember being at field day when I was in elementary school. I was standing with my class waiting for my time to go and compete in some event, the specifics of which I don't remember anymore, but I'm sure it involved trying to get down the field faster than the others by some unnatural means or with some handicap...or both. I looked around and spotted Daddy perched up on top of some jungle gym-type apparatus. From that moment...it was on. My second had arrived. I was sack-racing for something a little bigger than myself that day, my friends.

In the same way, I know what it's like when my kids are playing and how much more awesome it becomes to them when I come in and get down on the floor with them. And, as much as I'd like to think so, it has very little to do with me and everything to do with the way the Lord made the family to work. Just being there and showing interest in what they're doing is powerful! That is one of God's profound gifts to Daddies.