Fence Posts Ministries

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Becoming a permitted driver is an important time in the life of a young man. Being behind the wheel is every little boy's dream. We lived at the end of a dirt road, so Daddy had already eased us into driving before the time came for "the big show." But, it's a big jump from cruising down a deserted dirt road to being able to safely navigate real streets where other drivers are. Hence, the permit. With that permit in my billfold I could drive with one of my parents riding shotgun reminding me of what to watch for, think about and pay attention to. On one such occasion, Daddy taught me a valuable life lesson that still blows my mind to this day. While driving on a busy, narrow road, I began to speed up and exceeded the speed limit. Daddy asked what I was doing. I explained to him that the cars behind me were tailgating (not the kind with a grill). He said, "So?"  I couldn't answer. Then, he dropped some wisdom on me that radically altered the direction of my life when he said: "Nobody's driving this vehicle but you." That moment transcended transcendentalism. The impatient guy behind me was not going to have to pay my insurance bills. He would not have to live with any accidents that I might get into. I very likely even saved him from getting himself into one or both of those situations. (Sir, if you're reading this, you're welcome.) He will not be able to answer for me to the Lord when He wants to know why I disregarded the law.

In our lives many people will try to tell us how to live, down to every minute detail. I will be the one to answer for what I have done. Think about it; prison is full of people who reacted to someone else. Gentlemen, let's raise our kids to think for themselves. Let us show them how a man stands like a fence post and does what's right when the whole world is behind him honking and swearing because they think that they are too important to be bothered with the way that God says things ought to be. In doing so, we may save some from careening over the edge. I've said it before and I'll say it again: a fence post is a tough thing to run into, but it sure is a nice thing to know that you can lean on.