Fence Posts Ministries

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Have Mercy

I inherited freedom because better men than us humbled themselves before God, and obeyed His Word. That freedom has been defended for 238 years from those who would enslave or destroy us because they were fought and beaten by squirrel hunters, professional farmers, tradesmen, businessmen, fathers, husbands and sons who did not shrink back from the fight. They also had the support of the people back home who did not vote people into office who would have undermined them at every turn. This past week alone has seen our president salute our valiant marines with his coffee cup, seemingly annoyed that he is expected to recognize real men as he blows by them on his way to destroy everything that they and their brothers risked their lives and some died for. This past week saw this same arrogant liar stand before the world and address the United Nations, stating that our defense of freedom has created the terrorist threat that he refuses to address with any degree of seriousness. This past week we saw the most corrupt Attorney General that our nation has ever seen, who has the blood of American lives on his hands, resign. The next day our president had already enlisted the help of professional racist/liar/demagogue Al Sharpton in selecting a replacement. This is just one week. Evil men do the things that they do because they believe that we will not stop them, and so far they've been right.

Pray. Then, get up and keep praying as you go out and be better men than we have been. Our fight is not against other people, even though that fight is necessary sometimes. Our fight is against the power that our nation has given itself over to. While we live, we are God's men who stand between this world and Hell. And, we stand on the Word of God and by the name of Jesus and nothing else.