Fence Posts Ministries

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In Defense

I was recently told by a brother, whom I love and respect, that it may not be a good idea to write about political issues so prominently as it might drive away some that I could otherwise reach. I appreciate his concern and I agree that the importance of lives transcends politics. Truth and morality should also transcend politics, and that is what I write about and what I call our political figures on. The reason that I discuss and will continue to discuss political issues is that political matters are and have always been spiritual matters. Gentlemen, for too long people and, to our discredit, Christians have compartmentalized our lives. We have bowed to pressure and not discussed any of our beliefs with other people, and the results are tragic. Meanwhile, the enemies of God have become more vocal and are even rapidly, albeit illegally, expanding control of our educational system to indoctrinate our children with anti-Christian and anti-American revisionist history. Those who hate the truth are dominating the discussion of virtually every important issue because they have spoken up while we have not. Political correctness has been the weapon of choice to avoid an honest debate on the issues wherein ideas may be compared and discussed to form common sense solutions, which are obvious to the average American, but seem to elude our government.

By the miracle of the love of God Himself, I know the Lord and He knows me. That knowledge will not allow me to ask Him to refrain from influencing some aspects of my life. I don't know everything, but I know the One God by whose Word everything that exists has its being and is sustained. He is a consuming fire. I am His and His desire is for me. I cannot afford not to talk about the truth, and neither can you. The Word of God has always and will always stand up to any level of scrutiny. The politically correct powers of Jesus' day sought to silence Him, too. It didn't work for them either.