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The Passover

More than 3,400 years ago the Lord judged those who hated and defied Him and saved those who trusted and obeyed Him in  the same way that He will for us. In Exodus 12 God gave Moses and Aaron instructions for the people of Israel concerning the first Passover.  On the tenth day of the month of Nisan, each household would bring in an unblemished one year-old lamb.  On the fourteenth day, the lamb would be slaughtered at twilight, and its blood would be put on the doorposts and on the lintel upon the houses where it would be eaten.  In Exodus 12:13 God said:  "And the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you for destruction when I strike the land of Egypt."

God still makes the distinction between His people and those who hate and defy Him in the same way.  He looks for the blood of the Lamb.  Is the blood of the Lamb on your house?  Fathers, is His blood on you?  Exodus 12:26-27 says:  "And it will come about when your children will say to you, 'What does this rite mean to you?' that you shall say, ' It is a Passover sacrifice to the Lord because he passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt when He smote the Egyptians, but delivered our home.'"  Fathers, are you observing the Word of God and applying the blood to yourself and your household so your kids even have reason to ask that question?  If so are you able to answer?  Are you depending on your wife or whoever you send them to at church to take care of those things?  That's our job, and for too long we have abdicated that honor until we are dying of the epidemic of father-absenteeism, even though he's right there, usually on the couch.

Get up!  Put the blood of the Lamb on your household.  No, you and I can't save them, but what we can and must do goes a long, long way toward getting them there.   Don't be an obstacle to your family.  Be the one who believes when the Lord speaks and who  obeys.