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I love to read through 2 Thessalonians chapter two, and hear the Lord talk to us about how we should live in the last days.  He begins by reminding us not to be "quickly shaken" from our minds or to "be disturbed" by any word that teaches anything contrary to what He has said.  Over the next few verses, He talks about the "man of lawlessness...whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan."  Verse seven teaches that "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work." Here in America, we have seen the rapid advance of lawlessness in recent years.  Our president regularly acts outside of the law, and regularly boasts that he will do it again.  He and his administration reward those who break the law, breeding more lawlessness.  Last week the mayor of Houston trampled on the United States Constitution and asked for sermons as well as other documents and communications from local churches, in an effort to protect the illegal use of her office for personal activism.  Over the last two days we have seen Christian ministers in Idaho already being prosecuted and facing almost six months in jail and/or a $1,000 a day fine for refusing to perform a same-sex "marriage".  Gentlemen, the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, and the Bible teaches that it will continue and worsen.  However...

2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 teaches that there is one who "restrains" the man of lawlessness.  (This is the cool part.)  The Holy Spirit of God is the one who now restrains him.  As we see rebellion against God advancing and even "Christians" abandoning the truth or treating it as though it has changed, we must stand, and we will stand because the Lord Himself will cause us to stand.  I take it as a tremendous compliment and encouragement when evil men are so worried about the One who lives in me that they will go to such ridiculous lengths to stop Him.  Never forget what a short leash God has Satan on.  Read the book of Job if you need reminding.  The truth has not changed.  The Lord, by whose Word Satan exists and by whose Word his fate is already sealed, alone holds absolute authority over every sub-atomic particle in the universe.  They know the voice that created them.  His Word is final.  He has said to us:  "Stand."