Fence Posts Ministries

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My Wife

I remember Daddy telling my brother and me that we would be doing well if we married a woman like our mother.  I often say the same thing to my boys.  I don't think the baby understands yet, but it doesn't hurt anything to tell him.  The Lord has provided me with a wife who knows and trusts Him.  I am amazed at the things that she is able to teach them at such young ages.  I once came home from work and one of my kids, who was barely three years old at the time, could recite at least half of Psalm 139.  I have also come home to find that my kids have drawn and discussed the armor of God from Ephesians.  I have a child who is a great artist, and that did not come from me. My wife is patient and faithful to me.  Anytime she speaks to anyone she makes me proud.  She sacrifices herself all day every day for us.  I like to think that I'm a pretty caring person, but I feel ashamed of myself when I see the way that she cares for people.  (Yes, it's healthy to feel ashamed of yourself when you're not doing something that God has told you to do.  [See James 4:9.])

She has always stood by me and held my hand.  She has never made me feel stupid, even when she's had good reason to.  Gentlemen, the Lord has taken care of me.  If you are married, thank her and thank God for your wife.  She has left everything and wears your name.  William Shakespeare once wrote:  "What's in a name?"  I'll tell you, Billy.  Our names are our identities.  She has left everything for you.  You do the same.   "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord."-Proverbs 18:22