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Gentlemen, today I think that we should examine the meaning of the word "coward".  That word has been thrown around recently by some who, in my mind, have disqualified themselves from calling others cowards.  Members of Barack Obama's staff referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a coward and other synonymous epithets that must not only make their mothers proud, but also demonstrate the depth of character of our nation's representatives.  Netanyahu handled the comments with grace, as is his custom.  However, Obama did nothing more than send out his paid liar (whose initials are Josh Earnest) to state that the views expressed by Barack Obama's paid staff belong solely to those providing them and do not necessarily reflect those of Barack Obama, his parent companies or affiliates.  But wait a minute, in 2011 Obama was caught on a hot mic lamenting that he had to work with Netanyahu on such a regular basis.  What can I say, Mr. President?  Life's rough when you're a coward and you have to appear in close physical proximity to a real man when so many cameras are around. So, let's set the record straight concerning cowardice.  Cowards justify their existence by building careers convincing other people that they have been victimized.  Cowards convince people that they should resent hard-workers.  Cowards don't have a problem with butchering babies, inside or outside the mother's body.  Cowards get hit by terrorists and scramble to protect the rights of the guilty, while condemning the victims, thinking that if only they can capitulate and cower enough, they might be left alone.  Cowards cannot own up to mistakes and failures.  Cowards peek out from behind their armed bodyguards and scold others for wanting to defend themselves.  Cowards surround themselves with professional liars and demagogues so that they can live like elite aristocrats and dictate what others may or may not do.  Cowards look down their arrogant noses at good, hard-working, patriotic people and preach at them as though they are intellectually superior to those simpletons.  Cowards use government agencies to silence people whose only crime is trying to teach other people about their freedoms.  A coward has no respect for military heroes who, on their worst days, are better men than he has ever been.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, when cowards speak of you the way that you have been spoken of, that usually means you're doing what's right.