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Keep Standing

I have never been more ashamed of any U.S. president than I am now.  (Yes, I remember the Clinton administration.  This is worse.)  Yet another American was murdered this weekend by Muslim terrorists.  And, what is our president's response?  He spoke and made it crystal clear that we are not to allow these murders to cast an aspersion in our minds over the Muslim religion...and that was about it.  And, as evidenced by his actions, his top priorities remain as follows:  standing between Americans and good jobs in the energy industries, making sure that the "Constitutional rights" of people who are not even U.S. citizens supersede those of actual U.S. citizens, and taking every possible opportunity to slander and curse the nation that he represents.  Who has time to trifle with a terrorist army committing genocide and other direct acts of war against the U.S. when these other issues need his attention? Gentlemen, I am convinced that our sitting president hates us more than anything else in the universe.  He loathes men who honor the Lord, love their families, work hard because it's the right thing to do, and understand that freedom never has come from government but from the one God Himself and there isn't a thing that he can do about it.

I hope that our president will trust the Lord and be saved.  So far he has resisted the truth and even sought to destroy it.  We need to remember that he is one of many and that our fight is not against him, but against the powers that he has enslaved himself to.  However, like Elijah to King Ahab and Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Darius, the Lord has called us to keep standing and shining the light on the deception that leads to destruction.  Because of Daniel and his friends, Kings Nebuchadnezzar and Darius acknowledged God.  However, Ahab and Belshazzar did not.  I do know this, that our president's chances are slim if the Lord's men lay down and refuse to be His ambassadors.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to fall in line and bow to another god.  As a result, the king had no choice but to deal with their God.  And, the man who thinks himself our king is no different.