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Waiting on It

I remember once watching some baseball with Daddy and my brother.  It was only a few years ago, but the game was an old one being replayed.  I know because my memory of the game is of an Eddie Murray at bat wherein he reminded us just why he is in fact...the great Eddie Murray. By the time I was old enough to start paying attention to baseball, Murray had already established himself as one of the best all-around players in the game.  He was a great first baseman and a great hitter.  In '87 he became the first player to hit home runs from both sides of the plate in back to back games.  And, if you think about it, the teams that he was on always did well, which in my mind is a testament to the character of a player.  He also had the perfect mustache/sideburn complement for his particular brand of baseball, which was vital for a player in the 80's.

In this particular game Murray was facing a pitcher who was mixing an especially big looping curveball in with his much faster pitches.  (I can't remember exactly who it was.)  Murray came to the plate, which usually means that something cool's about to happen.  Here came the curve.  Right before the release Murray instinctively moved to raise his front foot and to begin his swing motion.  Even though the whole thing took less than a second, just then we could see Murray freeze, just for an instant, and wait on it.  The pitch broke about two feet...and Murray was there to meet it, because he's just that kind of guy.  Some eye-witnesses say that ball did in fact land somewhere in Chesapeake Bay.  There's no way to really know, though.

Now, I've related this anecdote to remind all of us of an important life lesson, namely to wait on it.  "What is it?" you might ask.  I don't know, but sometimes we have to wait on it.  As men, we have to remain cool in high-pressure situations, and teach our boys to do the same.  Don't get me wrong, it's an important quality for women as well.  But, gentlemen, it's our responsibility, and it's been abdicated for far too long.  Will that upset some feminists?  Sure, but they were already upset anyway.  When those times come in life when we need to trust the Lord and wait on it, remember the plate discipline of one Eddie Murray.