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Christmastime is Here

Today we brought down the Christmas decorations from the attic and put up a Christmas tree in the living room.  Christmastime is one of those times when families tend to make some of the most memorable of memories.  Every year I love decorating the house with my family.  I love to bring out the ornaments that the kids made in prior years.  We listen to Christmas music.  (A word of caution:  it has to be the right Christmas music, or burn-out will be swift and complete.)  We watch "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown" (one of the great Christmas soundtracks of all time...that and Home Alone...seriously, think about it).  We also work with the kids getting ready for the church Christmas play.  It's also one of those times when all of the grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, and everybody else are able to be together. This year as you do all of those things with your family, I encourage you to take time to get into the Bible and read about how the entire Bible and the history of the world all point to Jesus.  Read the Old Testament prophecies about the baby who would be everything that the world groaned for.  Read about how Mary and Joseph were carried along by the hand of God through the betrothal, pregnancy, birth and childhood of Jesus.  Read about how some mysterious wise men from the East, who were not Jews, understood from the star that the King of the Jews had been born, and left everything and traveled to bring Him gifts and worship Him.  Pray, asking the Lord to help you understand all that He did on that first Christmas.