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For Joseph

I recently learned that some critical commentators have besmirched the good name of Joseph, husband of Mary, without evidence.  The claim floats the idea that since Joseph is not mentioned in the Bible after the visit to Jerusalem in Luke chapter 2, he must have abandoned the family.  Now, most mature-minded personages would dismiss such claims without dignifying them with a response.  But, since such personages seem to have retired to bed already, here we go.  

Joseph, in my view, was one of the most selfless men in the Bible.  When he learned that Mary had conceived, he determined to break off the engagement.  We can cut him some slack here, because he had not yet received the message from the Lord.  Once the angel was sent to him and explained everything, Joseph made up his mind to honor God and to marry...Mary.  Don't miss the selflessness of this act.  Joseph turned what most entitled-minded people would have thought should have been his firstborn over to the Lord.  The Bible also teaches us that after their marriage, Joseph kept her a virgin until after the birth of Jesus.  God once again sent word to Joseph to take his family and flee to Egypt to escape Herod's attempt to kill Jesus.  Joseph again obeyed and left every other part of his life behind and moved to a foreign land with his wife and child.  As a working man, he would have had to reestablish his professional reputation quickly in order to provide for his family.  Once Herod died, the Lord told Joseph to return home.  Once again, Joseph obeyed.  All the while, at least until Jesus was twelve years old, Joseph served as an earthly father for the only begotten Son of God.

This work completed, Joseph quietly faded away into history.  The most probable explanation is that Joseph died young.  But, Joseph's was not the life of a man who would abandon his family.  Now, Joseph does not need me to defend his name, and I imagine that very few, if any, of you were even aware of the attempt to assassinate his character.  But, as Christmas approaches I just want to draw our attention for a little while to a selfless man who trusted God and said "yes" to Him.  And, in doing so he, through the strength of the Lord, provided for, protected and raised the One on which all the history of all eternity depends upon.