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Standing in the Right Place

Today, I was able to be home with my family.  We got a lot done.  We played, and did all of the things that I usually wish I could be home doing, during wistful moments at work.  One of my kids even told me that she was so glad that I got to be home today.  Daddies, I don't have to tell you how much that means to me, and how deep in my heart those words will be treasured. Today, two families in New York awoke to the raw "surreality" that their Daddy is dead, senselessly and needlessly murdered by a man they do not know.  The murderer chose to listen to professional dealers in hatred, who have been given legitimacy by our president, the NYC mayor and a host of others in the media who have worked hard to bury the facts and stir up a frenzy of blind hatred in those who hunger for it, and only needed an object.  The murderer wanted to strike a painful blow to an amorphous entity that he has been brainwashed into believing is responsible for his suffering, and looking for representatives of that entity, he decided that these two would do.

NYC Mayor DeBlasio, in a press conference, asked for any information regarding threats to the police.  The problem is that a week ago when protesters paraded through his streets chanting "What do we want?  Dead cops!  When do we want them?  Now!", Mayor DeBlasio did not even acknowledge the threat, leaving the public to surmise that his usual stance "criminals good, police bad" still applied.  Now, asking for information regarding threats to the police is a small part of the right thing to do.  However, it would actually have some credibility had it been preceded by honesty, integrity and (at the very least) an acknowledgment of the truth.

Gentlemen, We have to stand in the right place.  DeBlasio has sacrificed any moral standing that he ever may have had to make a show of concern for the police.  Abortion advocates have sacrificed all credibility to discuss human rights issues.  Those who teach atheism and evolution have lost the ability to blame anyone but themselves when people know no law, but to survive and to reproduce.  We have to stand in the right place.  The Word of the Lord is the final word.  The Word of God is the final authority.  The morality decreed by the Lord is the only morality.  God has said what is right and what is wrong.  Stand in the right place; stand on the Word of the Lord.

Stand by your local law enforcement.