Fence Posts Ministries

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Telling the Truth

My wife and I recently watched Sergeant York again.  It has been one of my favorite movies ever since the first time I saw it.  I was a sixth grade public school student.  We were studying World War I, and Mrs. Herndon deemed it valuable that her students know the true story of a great American hero.  Alvin York's fight against God, repentance and new life following Him are all true and vitally important parts of the story of one of World War I's greatest heroes.  We were being taught the facts, whether they matched fashionable philosophy or not.  Thank you, Mrs. Herndon.

As we watched, my wife made the observation that some of the characters in the movie expressed or acted out of worry or fear from time to time.  In these instances, another character would gently and directly correct the brother or sister who had momentarily forgotten the truth of the Word of God.  In fact, Ma York once said:  "'Tain't right for us to be afeared...the Lord takes care of those that's a-believin' Him."  My wife pointed out that it's rare for Christians to talk to each other that way anymore.  So, over the next few days I made it my business to speak only deep Cumberland Tennesseean around the house.  It was only after that time that I was embarrassed to realize my mistake, and that she meant that Christians need to always remind each other of the Word of the Lord like they used to.

Hebrews 10:23-25 reads:  "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near."  Gentlemen, don't look back wistfully and say, "those were just simpler times," and in doing so, dismiss any intention of living out God's Word.  Speak this way to your family.  Speak this way to your brothers and sisters as you go wherever the Lord takes you.  Welcome it and be receptive when you are spoken to in this way.  Speak this way with the expectant joy that these verses carry in their every Word.  And, if you see my wife out and about, say "Howdy, ma’am. I'll be a-seein' ye up to the church house Sundy."