Fence Posts Ministries

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Thank You

One year ago today, Fence Posts was born.  For a long time the Lord had put into my heart the call for men to be men and to be everything that He has called us to be.  I have set out to write what God has impressed upon me.  We've discussed matters of the heart, life, kids, wives, family in general, grilling, current issues and other matters, all through the Word of God.  We've laughed; we've cried; we've pondered; we've induced nausea.  Through it all, I hope that you've been encouraged to good works and stimulated to think about the timeless truth of the Lord's Word to us. Most experts speculate that we share this world with around 7 billion other souls.  It seems to me that there are roughly 8 billion blogs being written out there in cyberspace.  (You do the math.)  In a world with so many voices trying to be heard, I'm grateful for each of you who have taken time to stop by here and read for a while.  I want to thank Daddy, an imperfect man who put his trust in the perfect God and never looked back, for providing me with so many of the anecdotes that I've been able to write about.  I want to thank my kids for providing me with so many of the shenanigans that I've been able to write about.  I want to thank my wife for supporting me in every way in everything that I've done.

As time goes by and the Word of the Lord is fulfilled, stand with me.  Hold the fence line in your home.  Teach your children the wisdom of God.  Be the last line of defense between this world and its utter destruction, saving lives all the way.  Know what it is to be the Almighty God's men in these days, living out every good work that He has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

In 1993, Degarmo and Key, a duo of raucously righteous Christian rockers, recorded a song called "Never Look Back."  The chorus says:  "Never give up; never give in.  Never forget me when you need a friend.  Never give out; never turn back.  Never let hard times push you off your track.  Never look back."  I love those words because, like all things true, they're timeless (even though the song concluded with a blistering synthesizer solo).  And, so are we when we stand on the Word of the Lord.  Thank you for reading.