Fence Posts Ministries

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This Spring has been especially rainy where I am, and the last few days have brought floods like I haven't seen in a long time.  In fact, I may never have seen anything quite like this before.  Seeing the flooding brings to mind Matthew chapter seven.  Verse 24 says:  "Everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does them, will be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock." We've experienced the floods that Jesus spoke of.  They'll get worse as the world continues to turn against the Lord and His people.  Verse 25 says:  "And the rain descended, and the rivers came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock."

Many people around us have invoked the name of Jesus for a variety of reasons, but never trusted Him.  Some others have rejected the Stone outright and sought other foundations on which to build homes for themselves and their families.  In love and mercy, God warned us of the floods.  And, sure enough, they came.  The man who trusted the Lord's warning and also trusted His Word to save Him from the destruction did not fall, for he had been founded upon the rock.

Do you wonder why so many "Christians" around you have exchanged the truth for lies, lies that they knew to be lies?  Why have so many decided that they know more about creation than the Creator?  Why have so many embraced and even celebrated homosexuality?  Why have so many abandoned the Bible?  They fell because they were not founded upon the rock.  Don't be discouraged when those who hated and did not retain the knowledge of the truth fall around you.  The last one standing will be the one who believed God, and built His house on His Word.