Fence Posts Ministries

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Manifestation of Grace

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him'" (Genesis 2:18).  The Lord knew me when He said that.  I recently had a minor surgery that is typically followed by a quick and easy recovery.  Mine, however, was followed by painful inflammation.  Now, I think I was handling things reasonably well (my wife may tell it differently), until my recovery did not go as smoothly as I thought it should.  I had to go back to work and was still in a great deal of pain.  To my shame, I began to feel frustrated and sorry for myself.  Meanwhile, my wife has been experiencing her own physical difficulties as she is far along carrying our baby. I'm not proud of this, but while I was in so much pain, when I thought I should be back to normal, I began to be short with my kids and I felt guilty for not being able to help more around the house.  But, my wife never lost patience with me.  In my weakness, she has been strong and gracious.  It's been unbelievable, the way that she has been able to take care of us.  Nobody knows me like she does.

Gentlemen, could the same be said of us?

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord."-Proverbs 18:22