Fence Posts Ministries

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Doing the Honors

Gentlemen, we're in the thick of summer.  Don't let the summer of this year get away from you without making the most of the time with your kids.  Stop on your way home from work and lay down twelve big ones (ten if there's a sale on) and come home with a slip 'n' slide.  No, this isn't a paid endorsement (I'm open to that, though).  Take them to a baseball game, or better yet, put one on out in the yard.  Whatever it is that you and your kids like to do, do it together.  Next year, they'll be a year older and so will we.  Let them know that they're the people you want to be with.  Let them know that their home is the best place on earth.  Let them know that their Daddy considers it an honor to wear that name.