Fence Posts Ministries

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The Last Real Men

It's good to be writing again.  I have been busy and enjoying some time away from the internet, spending some very good time with my family.  Sometimes when I look at my family, fear comes calling to my heart.  The entire world, without exception, is openly at war with Christians, Israel and other people who love freedom.  Truth is denied, without evidence or even an argument, and the denial is accepted and celebrated by a world that simply does not want to be bothered with truth. Revelation 18:2-3 tells about an angel who comes down from heaven and cries out that Babylon is fallen.  He declares that "all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury."  The world that you and I live in today has drunk the wine that the angel speaks of.  The next verse, however, reads:  "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.'"  This is the call that many modern Christians know as "the rapture," God's removal of His church from the earth before He pours out His wrath on the world that has hated Him.  Let God's Word be our hope.

Gentlemen, stand with me and the other faithful around the world.  Refuse to abandon your family to the philosophies and teachings of a world that wants to lead them to their destruction.  Refuse to break faith with the One God and with our betrothed, the Lamb who was slain.  Never turn your children over to the enticements of this world, as so many do, in the name of entertainment, of all things.  Never, never compromise the Word of the Lord.  Never, never, never, let your love grow cold.  Never surrender.  In doing so, we hold out God's salvation for any who will believe, until the very end.  We've been called to be the last real men.