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There is No Other

When the Israelites camped outside Jericho, before the conquest, an interesting episode took place.  Joshua 5:13-15 records an important moment for Joshua before he would lead God's people to go in and take Jericho.  It reads:  "Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, 'Are you for us or for our adversaries?'  And he said, 'No,'" (I love that) "'rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the Lord.'  And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, 'What has my lord to say to his servant?'" Now, you're welcome to disagree with me on this, but I believe that the sword was drawn for Joshua.  I believe that the angel was sent to test Joshua to determine whether or not he was ready to trust the Lord, no matter what.  The army of the one God was ready to take Jericho with or without Joshua.  Joshua answered correctly, and was sent to lead the Israelites into Jericho.

Another Israelite battle is recorded in 1 Samuel 4.  This time God's people had turned their backs on Him, and went to fight against their Philistine oppressors.  They lost the first battle and suffered heavy casualties.  Then they had the idea to take the ark of the covenant of the Lord into battle like their forefathers had done, and been unstoppable.  You see, God had become a good luck charm to them.  And, again, they were defeated and the ark was taken by the Philistines.  The Philistines knew that they had something special, so they set it up in the temple of their god, Dagon.  The ark spent the night in the temple, and in the morning the Philistines were horrified to find their idol toppled over on its face.  They restored it, though, and moved on.  But, the next morning found Dagon again fallen, this time with its head and hands broken off.  After more trouble, the Philistines finally sent the ark back to Israel.

Like Joshua, we need to understand that there is one God.  He accomplishes His purposes and all battles belong to Him.  He does not need me or anything that I "bring to the table."  But, because He loves us, He calls us to participate in His work and to know Him and walk closely with Him.

Deuteronomy 4:35 speaks of God's deliverance of the Isrealites from Egypt.  He says:  "To you it was shown that you might know that the Lord, He is God; there is no other besides Him."