Fence Posts Ministries

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A very small, but ever-louder, segment of humanity pretends.  They pretend that the color of our skins defines our characters, thereby denying a dream that belonged to a man that they pretend to revere.  Since they hold this belief, they pretend that the color of their skins is different than what it really is.  Men pretend to be women and vice versa.  They have even created a perpetually growing list of new "genders", from which to choose when they get tired of pretending to be the ones that they've already tried. They have invited the rest of us to join them in pretending.  When we chose to live by truth, they became angry.  They pretended to be oppressed and victimized by those of us who would not pretend.  They took to the streets, and executed law enforcement officers for the crime of having pretend-murdered innocents.  They sought out Christians in their places of business and pretended to require their participation in their pretend games.  When the Christians chose the truth, the pretenders pretended to be outraged and brought real lawsuits against the Christians.  The Christians were fined real money, deprived of real property and lost real livelihoods when corrupt judges determined that pretend law superseded real law.  Meanwhile, pretend journalists hailed these pretenders as heroes and champions of civil rights, while pretending that the real civil right of religious liberty did not exist.

Let truth be our language.  They can't trust it if they haven't heard it.  They won't hear it anywhere else.