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Live Free or Rock Hard

Gibson guitars have long been played by some of the biggest names in jazz, punk rock and everything in between.  In 2009, Gibson's factory in Nashville, TN was raided by federal agents and imported woods were seized.  No warrant was presented; no explanation was given; no charges were ever brought.  Three years later, the raid and confiscation were repeated, again without warrant, explanation or charges.  Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz estimates that the raids cost Gibson around $3,000,000.  Gibson finally received affidavits stating that they had violated the Lacey Act, in that they had exported woods from foreign countries in violation of the laws of those nations, in Gibson's case, Madagascar and India.  The governments of the two nations quickly wrote letters to the U.S. government vouching for Gibson's meticulous attention to compliance with their laws.  However, these vouchers were useless since Gibson was not even allowed to plead their case in court.  Some have speculated that the raids were carried out to teach Juszkiewicz a lesson, since he has donated to Republican candidates.  This theory is strengthened by the fact that the CEO of Martin guitars has donated to Democrat candidates, while carrying out the exact same business practices that Gibson was told violated the law, only without being raided. The last I heard about this case was three years ago.  At that point, Gibson was fighting to have its name cleared and its property returned, which had been confiscated in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  That was the last I heard...until now.  I am pumped almost beyond the ability to contain myself to announce that Gibson has just released its Government Series, a line of beautiful guitars (the ES 335 and the Les Paul will blow your mind) made from the very wood confiscated during the raids, which has now been returned.  The pick guard of each guitar is emblazoned with an eagle in flight clutching a guitar neck in its claws.  "Doug, what color did the patriots at Gibson select for the Government Series?"  I'm so glad you asked.  GUNMETAL GRAY!

This is not a paid endorsement (although, I'd be okay with that).  This is a curtain call for a great company who embodies American craftsmanship, ingenuity and innovation, who just sent a reminder to those who think themselves our imperial rulers.  When a runaway government oversteps its boundaries in an attempt to keep us, the peasants, in our place, it's good to remember that we have been endowed by our Creator (and by Him alone) with certain unalienable rights.