Fence Posts Ministries

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It's so Good to Know

Last night we were upstairs getting the kids ready for bed when I noticed that my four year-old wasn't there.  I figured he got sidetracked doing something downstairs and that I would go get him once I got the others to bed.  After a few minutes he came up and told me that he had washed the utensil that we had served the spaghetti with.  He also informed me that he had tried to put the leftovers away, but that he hadn't been able to get it into the bowl.  My urge to go and assess the damage was quickly swept aside by how proud I was of my boy, who without being asked was trying to help clean up after supper. My wife and I work hard to take care of our kids and to raise them according to the Lord's Word.  But, in all honesty it can become discouraging when we think about the world that they are growing up in and what it will be like as time goes by.  God does not want His children to live under those fears, though.  In 1 Peter 5, the Prince of Peace invites us to cast all of our care upon Him, because He cares for us.

It's so good to know that He is able to honor His Word, in spite of the best efforts of our enemy, the devil, to destroy the work that the Lord is doing in our lives.  It's so good to know that God is able to keep what we have committed to Him until the last Day.