Fence Posts Ministries

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In Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto, he outlined several goals that if accomplished, would bring about the destruction of capitalism, and usher in the communist revolution that would sweep the world.  Among those goals was the abolition of the family.  Marx suggested some means to that end, and so have other disciples of his.  We can see many of these plots at work in America today, and their results are devastating.  With the destruction of the family, more and more children are being raised by someone other than their fathers and mothers.  With less and less time being spent with family, learning morality, truth and the skills for life; and the marginalization (and in some cases persecution) of the church, the numbers pile up for unemployment, violent crime, drug addiction and most other diseases that plague America.  

Enter, the heroes who will save the day.  Call them progressives; call them collectivists; call them socialists, statists, communists, or whatever you like.  Their answer to society's ills never varies:  expand government control to address these problems (never mind that they're the ones who caused them in the first place).  The communist machine ravages the world and moves ever closer to closing its clutches around the throat of the United States of America.  

There's only one problem... He gets up early every day and keeps the world moving, because if he doesn't, nobody else will.  At work, everybody knows that they can depend on him.  Oh, they might have a laugh every now and then, because his Bible is on his desk again, or in his hand or on his lips.  But, they'll come around when they need answers, prayer or the truth, and he'll be ready.  They can't understand why he doesn't want to go have a drink after work.  His kids know when to expect him home from work, because that's where he's headed every time.  His kids know that he loves them.  Oh, and they know about that Bible too, and that he can't get enough of their mother.  He is the lord of the little vinyl swimming pool that appears in his yard every summer.  He transforms its empty form into a party every time he and his kids fill it up and find a million awesome ways to run and jump into it.  He knows the Word of the Lord and he hangs his entire life on it.  His children see his faith and that it matches his words and his life.  The Word of the Lord will never pass away, and his men are honored to be the vessels in which it will live, until the end.