Fence Posts Ministries

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I was recently reading a passage that I have always loved in Revelation  8:4:  "And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel's hand."  It lightens every burden when my heart is heavy to know that the Lord delights to hear from me, His child. I'm ashamed to confess to you that I have failed to do the same for my children.  They are the most precious souls to me, and I would give my life for them without a moment's hesitation.  But, that's not what they ask from me on the average day.  They don't ask me to die for them; they just ask for me to put down what I'm doing, and listen.  On those occasions, I realize that not only am I sending the wrong message to the ones I love so much, but I am also creating a distorted image of God for them, one that might even hurt their faith and their willingness to pray.

I write this to urge you not to make the same mistake.  For those of us who already have, repent.  Acknowledge your sin for what it is, and seek the help of the Lord.  He can change our hearts.  He wants more than anyone else, even us, for our children to know Him and to trust Him.  I don't enjoy writing this, but I think that most parents are like me, in that the thought that something that I might do, or not do, might harm my children, scares me to death.  Trust Him with your children.  Trust Him with yourself.  He stands ready to save those whose hope is in Him.