Fence Posts Ministries

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The Creator of our Minds

Since childhood I have read verses in the Bible like Psalm 4:4, 16:7, 42:8, 63:6 and 77:6 and wondered what exactly they meant.  I would go to bed and try to meditate on the Word of God until I fell asleep.  Through the years I, and others I have talked to, have found that those meditations not only made us feel better, but they also caused us to wake up with our minds on the Lord. In my years as a teacher, I have studied cognitive theory.  In those studies I was delighted to find that the brain takes our last thoughts before we fall asleep and embeds them into long-term memory.  Experts in neuroscience and cognitive theory suggest that important information be studied immediately before going to sleep.  

Thousands of years ago, the Almighty God who created our minds and designed every detail of their workings told us how to use them to learn what is most important, His Word.

So many times, I'm afraid, we just shrug off some of the Lord's teachings that don't make sense to us, instead of trusting Him and obeying.  Honest application of the methods of science always uncovers the incredible majesty and unthinkable intricacy of our God and His handiwork.  And, sometimes it takes millenia, but man's scientific discovery usually does catch up to the Word of the Lord and reveals to us wonders like these.  Gentlemen, we can stand on the Word of God as a sure foundation for all time.