Fence Posts Ministries

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Because of the Truth

"Buy truth, and do not sell it, get wisdom and instruction and understanding."  (Proverbs 23:23).  Our lives should be perpetually seeking and moving closer and closer to the truth.  When we find that something that we have believed was not truth, then we must move to accommodate the truth.  We must never attempt to move the truth to accommodate our wrong beliefs.  Many around us spend their lives doing just that, and the results speak for themselves.  I can deny the laws of physics, the nature of right and wrong and their consequences, or the existence of evil, but I am still bound to live with them.  They don't care about my beliefs, feelings, or the circumstances of my upbringing. It is necessary for us to stand in this world as followers of the truth.  The courses that we set for our lives and for our homes must be set according to the truth.  Our positions on creation, the perfection of the Bible, morality, and all other matters must reflect our love for the truth.  Every Word spoken by God is flawless.  The mouth of the Lord is the source of all truth.  By His Word all things exist and are sustained.  God has not simply explained to us the way things are.  Natural law is the dictation of His mouth.  Do you honor the Word of the God that you love, or do you rage against Him?

The Lord tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:10 that those who will perish will do so "because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved."  Gentlemen, love the truth.  Teach your kids to love the truth.  My wife and I make a point never to say that the truth is on our side.  Instead, we have to make sure that we are on the side of the truth.