Fence Posts Ministries

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The fight that we fight is "not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places," (Ephesians 6:12).  Shame covers the faces of men as the true objects of their faith are revealed and demonstrated by their shrinking back in terror.

When a man's boundary has been trespassed and his family is threatened by the evil that enters through the breach, he has to fight.  But instead, so many retreat and agree to the enemy's terms, hoping for peace in their time.

Before the line of terrified onlookers a young man, just a boy really, stands.  Across the field roars a giant whose life has been devoted to martial training, armed with weapons that would have rendered armor irrelevant.  The boy wears none.  He carries a sling and five smooth stones.  The giant insults him and his God, assuring him of his intention to kill and dismember him.  The boy addresses the giant, stating that he fights under the authority of the one supreme God.  He charges the giant with having defied the God of Israel, and declares that he must therefore be struck down.

1 Samuel 17:48 records  the moment of wholehearted commitment, the beautiful demonstration of absolute trust in the Lord.  The boy, facing the giant across the field, drops his shoulders as he leans forward, and with his heart and his steps unencumbered, runs to meet him.  The child of God runs to meet the evil that threatens his home.