Fence Posts Ministries

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Zeal for Your House

Psalm 69 is a prayer wherein David says:  "zeal for Your house has eaten me up," as he tells the Lord about how he suffers at the hands of those who oppose God.  In John 2:17 the verse was brought to the minds of the disciples as they witnessed the righteous anger of  Jesus as He cleaned house in the temple.  In the same way, zeal for the Lord should consume us.

We have ceded territory to the enemy who takes more and more precious lives captive each day.  We have apologized for and distanced ourselves from the Word of God instead of standing on its first and final authority.  We have by example taught our children to submit to their enemy, the devil, while maintaining the form of Godliness that is acceptable under his terms of surrender.  We have adopted the philosophy that if we give the enemy what he wants, then he may just go away and leave us alone.  This philosophy's history speaks for itself, boasting a perfect track record of failure with lethal consequences.

A real man understands that evil has to be identified and stopped. A real man would never leave the door of his home open to the enemy.  A real man is eaten up with zeal for the Lord.