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Great Moments in Ignrnce

Humanity has a proud and storied tradition in the field of ignorance (or "ingnrnce" if you're from my home of East Texas [or "ign'nce" if you're Al Sharpton {he went too far}]).  Many times when we act ignorantly, we victimize only ourselves.  Our friends have a good laugh, and we limp away with a good story.  An old adage tells that the most common last words uttered by men are "Hey, watch this."  The Bible provides us with a couple of examples of ignorance that have a common theme, namely that man cannot prevail against God. In 2 Kings chapter 6 we see the King of Aram at war with Israel.  The king conferred with his military advisers, and devised ingenious plans to ambush the Israelite forces.  But every time they laid the trap the Israelite army was able to guard themselves against the attack.  The furious king called his advisers into the conference room and demanded to know who the dead man was who was working for Israel as a spy.  I imagine that with trembling lips each man in the room assured the king that he was loyal, and that it was that prophet Elisha who knew their plans.  It was then that brilliance struck the Aramean king.  "I've got it!"  he excalimed.  "Let's make a plan to go and get that guy!  You know, the one who always knows our plans."  I won't recount the rest of the story here, but suffice to say that the Arameans ended up embarrassed.  It was awesome.

Another instance that fits our criteria is found in John 12:10.  In chapter 11 Jesus had raised Lazarus up from death.  News of this miracle spread and many people trusted Jesus because of it.  Now, the chief priests hated Jesus because they did not want to acknowledge the truth, so they had to keep people from finding out about the resurrection.  So they put their top minds to work on the Lazarus problem and came up with a foolproof plan.  I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at the meeting.  One priest jumps up and says:  "I've got it!  Let's kill him!  You know, the guy who died, but was raised again?"  The others applauded, shook each others hands, and clapped him on the back:  "Brilliant!  You've done it again, Richardson!"  (You don't know that it wasn't his name.)

Today's moral:  Acknowledge God.  Don't be an embarrassment.