Fence Posts Ministries

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Bad Weather Day

This morning (if you want to call it that) around 3:45, I was awakened by a text message alert.  I reached over one of my children who had made his way into our bed during the storm, and read that due to dangerous weather conditions my school would be closed.  I savored the physiological feelings of "de-stress" and settled back in. Gentlemen, on days like these...make it count.  There are a staggering number of lives, souls who are living without their Daddies, right now.  Yours and mine are among the privileged few.  Heroes are born out of dark days.  There was a time when a man who just showed up for the job of Daddy was not looked upon as anything special.  But in times like these, when you are given a gift like I was today, make sure that your kids know who you want to share it with.