Fence Posts Ministries

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Every Word of God

Isaiah 28 features a Word from the Lord proclaiming judgment against a people who were too prideful to believe Him when He gave them instruction.  Verses 10-13 specifically show how the people mocked His Word, and how He tried to give them rest, but they would not listen.  So, all that was left for them was to be left to their own devices and to suffer the consequences. Matthew 23:37-39 and Luke 13:34-35 record Jesus' sorrow for Jerusalem because He "wanted to gather [their] children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings."  But, "[they] would not have it."  So many times we reject God's Word, directly or indirectly, when we think that we know better than He does.

Do you understand that every command from the Lord is for our good?  There is not even one directive given by God that is not for our well-being.  Yet, we suffer and we cause our families to suffer needlessly when we call any of His Words "obsolete" or "restrictive."  Remember the One who loves us and gave Himself for us.  And during this fleeting time of grace, He still stands and sees His children while they're still a long way off, feels compassion, and runs to them.

"Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him."-Proverbs 30:5