Fence Posts Ministries

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If You Will Indeed Obey My Voice

In Exodus 19:5, the Lord tells us to obey His voice and keep His covenant.  The God of this universe, who knows its laws and properties intimately, since He created them,  has told us how to live in it, because He cares.  He has warned us to keep away from actions and ways of thinking that will hurt us and those around us.  He has told us how it is, how things work, so that we can recognize lies when we hear them, so that we aren't led astray into lives of self-destruction, disappointment, frustration.  And knowing us, He even provided redemption for when we would inevitably fail.  Through Jesus, the work of salvation was done, once and for all.  And He asks that we humble ourselves, turn to Him, and repent.

Now the depraved heart of man rebels at the thought of repentance.  We deny, blame, become angry and defensive, anything but repent.  When our own foolish denial of truth, as freely given to us by God Himself, lands us in trouble, we want to believe that we did nothing wrong.  We want to believe that someone else did this to us.  We're not wrong; natural law is wrong.  The way things are is wrong.  We rage against the truth of God's precepts.

He wants better for us than that.  The rest of Exodus 19:5 says that if we will obey His voice and keep His covenant, then we shall be a special treasure to Him above all people.  The Lord wants us to live in the truth, the light, or as Ezekiel 33:15 says, "the statutes of life."  Gentlemen, there is freedom in repentance.  There is liberation in walking in the light, as He is in the light.  What has your pride ever done for you?